Workshop: Kaffepause med Nadia Staldgaard

Svendborg Bibliotek CREATE Festival 2025 Festivalarmbånd

Hvilken følelse opstår i din krop, når du indsnuser duften af nybrygget kaffe, der damper fra din kop?

Hold fast i den følelse, for i denne workshop skal du male med kaffe, når illustrator Nadia Staldgaard finder penslerne frem. Hun guider og giver tips og tricks til, hvordan du arbejder med dit (kaffe)motiv.

Der vil selvfølgelig blive mulighed for at få en lækker kop kaffe undervejs.

Aldersgrænse 15 år.

Tider og priser

14.30 – 16.00

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Svendborg Bibliotek
Svinget 1
5700 Svendborg

Workshop: Coffee Break With Nadia Staldgaard

What feeling arises in your body when you inhale the aroma of freshly brewed coffee steaming from your cup?

Hold on to that feeling, because in this workshop you will paint with coffee when illustrator Nadia Staldgaard takes out her brushes. She will guide and give tips and tricks on how to work with your (coffee) motif.

Of course, you will have the opportunity to enjoy a delicious cup of coffee along the way.

Age limit 15 years.