VR-oplevelse: Imaginary Friend / lørdag

Svendborg Bibliotek CREATE Festival 2025 Festivalarmbånd

The Imaginary Friend er en 20 minutter lang, interaktiv, VR-animeret kortfilm, der inviterer dig til at tage del i den livlige fantasi hos Daniel, en otteårig, der kæmper med at bearbejde sin sorg.

Bliv Daniels usynlige ven, og lad ham dele sin verden med dig. Oplev hans glæder og bekymringer, og hjælp ham endda med at bekæmpe sine dæmoner.

Med sin unikke synsvinkel på historiefortælling og den seneste tekniske udvikling inden for VR præsenterer The Imaginary Friend en intim oplevelse, der er uovertruffen i VR-landskabet.

Daniel ser, taler og interagerer med dig, så du kan danne et dybt personligt bånd med drengen. 

At du skal booke tid til oplevelsen, og at du skal tale med Daniel på engelsk undervejs i oplevelsen.
Aldersgrænse 12 år

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10.00 – 16.00

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Svendborg Bibliotek
Svinget 1
5700 Svendborg

VR Experience: Imaginary Friend / Saturday

The Imaginary Friend is a 20-minute, interactive, VR-animated short film that invites you to share in the vivid imagination of Daniel, an eight-year-old struggling to come to terms with his grief.

Become Daniel's invisible friend and let him share his world with you. Experience his joys and worries, and even help him fight his demons.

With its unique approach to storytelling and the latest technical developments in VR, The Imaginary Friend presents an intimate experience like no other in the VR landscape.

Daniel sees, speaks and interacts with you, allowing you to form a deep personal bond with the boy.

That you need to book a spot for the experience and that you must speak to Daniel in English during the experience.
Age limit 12 years.