JP Ahonen maler i musikbiblioteket

Svendborg Bibliotek CREATE Festival 2025 Festivalarmbånd

Kom forbi musikbiblioteket og se, hvordan den finske tegneserietegner laver et helt unikt vægmaleri.

JP Ahonen arbejder med maleriet dagen igennem, og der er rig lejlighed til at studere hans proces. Den finske kunstner er kendt for sine tegneserier Perkeros og Belzebubs, der begge handler om bands og metalmusik.

JP Ahonen er faktisk også selv musiker og spiller i black metal-bandet Belzebubs, hvor hvert bandmedlem har sit eget alterego i form af en tegneseriefigur.

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10.00 – 16.00

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Svendborg Bibliotek
Svinget 1
5700 Svendborg

JP Ahonen Paints in The Music Library

Stop by the Music Library and see how the Finnish cartoonist creates a unique mural.

JP Ahonen works on the mural throughout the day and there will be plenty of opportunity to study his process. The Finnish artist is known for his comics Sing No Evil and Belzebubs, both about bands and metal music.

JP Ahonen is actually a musician himself and plays in the black metal band Belzebubs, where each band member has their own alter ego in the form of a cartoon character.