Filmvisning: Nye kortfilm

Scala Biograf Svendborg CREATE Festival 2025 Festivalarmbånd

Vilde, skæve og meget personlige historier er en del af denne kortfilmspakke, hvor du blot skal læne dig tilbage og lade dig overraske. En af de seks film vandt De Gyldne Palmer i Cannes, og en af instruktørerne har tidligere vundet en Oscar for sin evne til at fortælle historier.

Pakken består af disse seks film: 27 af Flóra Anna Buda (HU) Maybe Elephants af Torill Kove (NO) Hurikán af Jan Saska (CZ) Peeping Mom af Francis Canitrot (FR) Flower Show af Elli Vuokinen (FI) Gigi af Cynthia Calvi (FR).

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Scala Biograf Svendborg
Centrumpladsen 2
5700 Svendborg

Film Screening: New Short Films

Wild, quirky and very personal stories are part of this short film package, where all you have to do is sit back and be surprised. One of the six films won the Golden Palme d'Or at Cannes and one of the directors has previously won an Oscar for her storytelling skills.

The package consists of these six films: 27 by Flóra Anna Buda (HU) Maybe Elephants by Torill Kove (NO) Hurikán by Jan Saska (CZ) Peeping Mom by Francis Canitrot (FR) Flower Show by Elli Vuokinen (FI) Gigi by Cynthia Calvi (FR).